What you need to know about vaporizers.
Smoking is bad for you there! We said right in front. There is no plausible argument that can lead to another conclusion: smoking kills many people, about 50% of its long-term users. But with all that, people like to smoke. Heck, I've been smoking for many years and if it had any more vitamins I would still do it. But most importantly, tobacco products cause odors, bad breath, have become socially unacceptable, cause all kinds of cancers and ultimately kill people. What if we told you that we've found a new way to get all the nicotine into our bodies through technology , and no harmful smoke? Well, good news, we can! Let's talk about vaporizers. what's this? Vaporizers have been available in a variety of shapes since the 1960's, although there were more types of set table tops and less pockets. Chinese pharmacist Han Liq, widely known as the inventor of modern steam (also known as "e-cigarette"), apparently started this movement after his father died of ca...